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Photography Competitions | Twins Photo Books Australia

Protected: Survey Results – What Do Twins & Multiples Want?

Posted in Featured

Q1 Are you? A parent 91% / A parent of triplets or more 3% / A twin 5% / A Multiple 1% / Grandparent of twins of multiples 0% Q2 What age group are you?  Majority was 30 to 40 = 48% Q3 Your location?  NSW 36%, followed by VIC 20% then QLD 19%. Q4 Would you be interested in being a part of our group sponsorship of needy young twns in 3rd World Countries?  Most people 63% maybe (wanting to know more details, coming soon) and 10% yes. Q5 Would you be interested in an online facility where you can record your ongoing twins story?  50% maybe & 39% yes. Q6 Would you be interested in a twins and multiples ‘only’ classifieds ads facility where you can sell twins & multiples stuff direct with each other?  64% yes &...

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